Name: Bliksim Gatgryper
Nickname: Bliks
Age: 23
Birthday: June 6
Race: Au Ra
Eyes: Left White Right Red
Hair: Long Black
Skin Color: White
Class: Miner
God: None
Likes: Spending time crafting and gathering. Puppies, kittens, hanging out with friends.
Dislikes: Hurting any living creature.

The Past
Bliks Grew up outside the city of Ul'dah. His parents moved from the Azim Steppe when he was an infant. He grew up working in the surrounding mines to help get by. His parents were murdered when he was aged 10. He spent the next 13 years alone trying to gather enough for food. At the age of 20 he moved away to start his own life free from the merchants. He became an apprentice under the Blacksmith Andre. He never learned to read or write, but his memory and ability to sense how anything is made has made him in to a very sought after smith.

The Present
At the age of 23 his brother who has been hounding him all his life has took him to use as a vessel for his new Voidsent masters. The ritual was interrupted and only the visage of the Voidsent was imprinted on him. He stands twice as tall as a normal Au ra male, massive demonic wings, and horns unlike that of Au ra. His timid nature and kind hearted soul, made him an easy target for folk to hunt due to his appearance.